V2.1 - by yours truly
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Say no to bill H.R. 669!

There is a bill before congress which is called the H.R. 669 - The Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act. This bill is basically saying all animals which are not native to America will be illegal to own, breed, and sell. This will make many businesses go down the toilet and a lot of jobs will be lost. Not to mention our beloved animal friends will be terminated for no fault of their own.

This will include almost all aquarium fish, including Betta fish and even the most common of all goldfish. Pet rodents such as hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs will also be affected along with reptiles and birds. Even some species of dogs and cats may be affected by this. The jobs of pet store owners and the employees are at stake. If you care for the jobs of pet shop workers or animals in general whether or not they are yours or someones you know please take the time to watch this YouTube video and check out the website mentioned in it. You can also go right to the website if you don't want to watch the video but I recommend it.

Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FPfL212CB8

Website - http://www.nohr669.com/index.htm

Please help me in the fight to save our animal friends as well as the jobs of workers in pet stores everywhere in the USA. Thank you.

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